Aglaonema Ice is a gorgeous leafy structured plant that emits Oxygen, and Houseplants are good for health and well-being in living and working spa
Aglaonemas are evergreen perennial herbs with stems growing erect or decumbent and creeping. Stems that grow along the ground may root at the nodes. There is generally a crown of wide leaf blades which in wild species are often variegated with silver and green coloration. They are slow-growing and will only need repotting every other year. Aglaonema is generally low-growing plants that will only very gradually reveal their trunks.
Temperature: warm in summer.
Range: 18 degree celcius
Light: Semi- shade keep away from direct sunlight.
Water: winter- water sparingly rests of the year water thoroughly.
Humidity: Moist air is necessary, mist leaves regularly.
Pot Size : 12 Inch Plastic Pot.
Plant Size : 6 Inch To 10 Inch plant.